Toronto’s Bag Ban Means Business

Toronto’s city council has banned plastic bags throughout the city beginning in January of 2013. What does this mean for Toronto businesses and what will they ever do? The answer is adapt. A business that is too stuck in their ways and refuses to adapt will eventually...

NPOs look to social media

A study by Backbaud indicates that despite limited budgets, nonprofits are able to find value using social media networks. Findings include: • 98% have a Facebook page with an average community size of over 8k fans. • Average Facebook and Twitter communities grew by...

Geosocial networking

Some stats on the adoption of Geosocial and Location-Based Services via mobile devices have been revealed in this infographic from Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application. Over 58% of smartphone users are utilizing these services. The infographic defines each of...

Bad type

Bad type? Often we see supplied text that has been incorrectly set for print and the web. Most graphic designers are aware of ‘proper’ practices with the use of such items as ‘smart quotes’ and apostrophes, as well as em and en dashes. See the sample (above) for the...

Digital Design, is it really “Green”?

In a recent discussion about designing for environmentally friendliness and sustainability, I realized that the use of sustainable products isn’t necessarily friendly if you compromise in some other way. We often think of products that we can use or not use to help...